nanun syatilla-imnida..

hola korg...
nmpaknye kte da melangkah ke tahun 2011...
thats mean, umor kte pn da bertambah angka la ye...
thats mean, umor kte pn da bertambah angka la ye...
aiiiish...tua nye aku ni...
anyway, kte pn x tau nk tulis ape sbnrnye...
saje je menconteng kat blog kte ni sebagai pembuka kata tuk tahun baru ni...
memandangkan kte sume ni da habis study,
(degree eh...master x cmpur...kte amek yg afdal je)
for sure korg sume da start pasang impian & cita2 korang kan...
memandangkan kte sume ni da habis study,
(degree eh...master x cmpur...kte amek yg afdal je)
for sure korg sume da start pasang impian & cita2 korang kan...
di harapkan sume cite2 & harapan kte sume akan tercapai...
so sakhir kalam...sebagai penutup bicara...
best of luck to all of us...
in our personal life as well as our career...
pada sesape yg bakal2 nk kawin tu...
best of luck to all of us...
in our personal life as well as our career...
pada sesape yg bakal2 nk kawin tu...
(tirah & ain & ayu)...
hope that we can still keep in touch...
cepat2 la ye...x elok kawan lame...hehehe...
serangakap pantun tuk korg...
" the rain may be falling hard outside..
serangakap pantun tuk korg...
" the rain may be falling hard outside..

but ur smile make it allright..
i'm so glad that all of you are my friends..
i'm so glad that all of you are my friends..
our friendship will never end.."
hope that we can still keep in touch...
i'm gonna miss u all...
sarangahae chinguyah...^_^
p/s: sorry korang...smlm kte gatal godam blog ni...
tukar sne tukar sini...
saje je nk main2 coz da xde keje...
p/s: sorry korang...smlm kte gatal godam blog ni...
tukar sne tukar sini...
saje je nk main2 coz da xde keje...
syaa...nice edited page!!c0ngrates..
ReplyDeleteh0pe this year will be the blessest year for us..c u all next time...insyaAllah =)
ku rasa introduction syaa ni byk sgt nama nida...hahahahaha =)