Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Economic Outlook 2010

As the figure shown, the GDP growth rate starts to decline in the 1Q 2010. The worriness on the double dip recession cames into the picture. This cyclical slowdown is expected to occur in 2010, given weaker global trade conditions and the ongoing sovereign debt problem in the Eurozone. Still, the Malaysia Institute of Economic Research (MIER) anticipate the GDP growth rate will raise to +5.2% in 2010. While the OPR is expected to remain 2.75% by the end of 2010. Additionally, Malaysia Rating Agency Corporation (MARC) in their report stated that inflation will be benigned in 2010. However, they anticipate that price will goes up for certain items. Thus, it may affect the consumer spending. The inflation rate 1.95% was registered in March 2010. While the unemployment rate was reported 3.70%, which is higher than previous year. Below are the report published by Department of Statistics Malaysia on the sectors of economy as well as import and export data in the 2Q of 2010;
Source: http://www.statistics.gov.my/
SaYa menulis lagi [AnynomouS]
this week saya gila meng'update' di blog ini.
Even saya xtaw apa yg saya nak tulis, saya tetap akan trus menulis...
Semalam genap sebulan saya berkerja...
Alhamdulillah I love my job. I love my environment. I love my housemates.hihihi

Hope I can learn more as the time goes.
Semalam jugak birthday one of our group member.
Dikesempatan ini ingin saya mengucapkan

Semoga kamu beroleh kejayaan didunia dan diakhirat
Jangan lupakan kami bila dah berjaya nanti
And one more,
nak kawin pun jgn lupa ajak kami...
Ku selaku wakil PM x sabar nak g Keratong yang maju jaya tu....=p
Neway, best of luck dear.
Semoga persahabatan kita semua akan kekal utuh walaupun kita berjauhan.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
I guess;
Athirah --> Working.working.working dgn tekunnya...
Ain --> Surfing internet
Dyna --> Bersam adik2nya...mst dia tgh bwk adah p jln2 cari makan
Syaa --> Tgk cite korea
Needa --> Working also
Nadia --> menjadi akak yang baik utk adik-adiknya
Syu --> Kat umah sambil menyiapkan persediaan utk menghadapi interview setrusnya
Ayu --> Lagi bersenang lenang bercucuk tanam...hehehe
Nad --> CURIK TULANG!!!!!
Guys...apa2 pun yg korg tgh buat...
I always pray for our BEST...Good Luck!!!!!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Hari ini aku bangun dalam kesedihan
Tak tahu kenapa suddenly teringatkan kawan- kawan yg dikasihi
Hari ini aku sedar aku harus menempuh perjalanan hidup yg mendatang tanpa korg disisi...
Sedar tak sedar korg plays VITAL role dlm hidup aku...
selama ini aku igt kawan hanya kawan rupanya kawan ni dah jadi cam darah daging...
Without kawan life is sooooo bored....
Plus hidup plak single.Nsb baik ada family yg happening...
Tp tu la, family and friends are different.Ada certain things yg kita bleh share ngan family but not frens & ada yg bleh share dgn kwn2 but not family...
AKU RINDU KORANG............